Buy Hot Pepper Seeds from around the world! Sandia Seed offers a huge collection of hot pepper seeds, including Ghost Pepper seeds, the Hottest Peppers in the World including the Carolina Reaper and the new Dragon's Breath Pepper, which is claimed to now be the hottest pepper, but time will tell if it wins the Guinness crown (it hasn't yet!)

We also have lots of hot Hatch chile seeds, which are known worldwide for their amazing flavor. They are called Hatch because they are grown in the Hatch Valley area in southwestern New Mexico. All our Hatch chile seeds are grown in this area, and all our New Mexican pod-type chile seeds are grown in the state of New Mexico. Technically, if you grow these varieties outside of the Hatch, NM region, then you can't call them official Hatch chiles. But they still taste great no matter where you live in the world, and, if you can't get Hatch chile locally (which is hard to find outside of New Mexico), then it's a great idea to grow them yourself! Make sure to check out our extra hot Rattlesnake green chile which is very hot at 10,000-18,000 Scovilles but still packed with flavor.

Grow Dragon Peppers in your garden to provide some fire for your salsas and hot sauces. Try growing our new Dragon's Breath Pepper seeds or the Komodo Dragon Pepper is super hot with a Scoville of 1,400,000 – which means it's WICKED HOT! This dragon is sure to please any spice-lover and it will make a great fermented hot sauce.

Looking to buy the hottest pepper seeds?
Sandia Seed has you covered with all of the super hot peppers to grow in your garden. They come in lots of colors and flavor profiles, so be sure to try growing them all! Great for making hot sauces and salsas – check out our favorite Salsa Recipes and our Fermented Hot Sauce recipes.