Can seedlings get too much light?
If you have super bright lights and they are placed too close to the seedlings, you can burn seedlings.
A recent lesson learned: Above is a photo from a couple weeks back, we got a new 100W Sansi LED floodlight that was recommended by a pepper grower and thought, "Wow, this super bright light is going to really get those peppers growing big before putting out in the garden!"
Unfortunately, our shelf that we were growing our seedlings on was not that tall, we could only get the light to be about 8" away from the plants. Therefore, as it was super bright with 100W, the seedlings started to wither and burn.
Too bright! I think this light would be perfect if a couple feet away, it's super bright!! But, if it's only 8" away, it's too much. We turned the light away but the damage was done.

It is true that your seedlings need bright light to grow healthy and strong—but, too bright a LED light could actually damage them if it's too close!
Standard fluorescent lights or regular LED grow lights will likely be perfect for your seedlings. Usually keeping the light within a foot of the seedlings is best (if it's not a super bright light!)

Read more about the Best Light for Seedlings »

Seedlings also enjoy a period of darkness each night in order to thrive.

These poor burned seedlings above are still recovering outside now weeks later, and they still aren't looking too happy with us! No real new growth, and their leaves are still curled and purple. Hope they recover, but if not, that's ok, we started lots of other seedlings so we'll make do! But we still feel awful for nuking these little guys.

Another Seedling Tip Regarding Light:
Make sure to harden off your seedlings!
Have you learned any new things this year?
Remember, there are no mistakes in gardening, only experiments!

Happy growing!