Carolina Reaper Hot Sauce Recipe
Carolina Reaper peppers are SUPER HOT! In fact, the Reaper was certified as the world's hottest by the Guinness World Records on August 11, 2017, and no pepper has beat it yet. While we wouldn't recommend eating a Carolina Reaper whole, we do think they are super tasty in hot sauce! The other ingredients in this sauce can cut down the heat and bring out the delicious fruity flavor of the Carolina Reaper. Here's our simple recipe:
Carolina Reaper Hot Sauce Recipe:
2 Cups Water
1 Cup of Chopped Carolina Reapers, (if you don't have enough Carolina Reapers, use less, or to cut down the heat, feel free to add other hot peppers to the mix)
-- USE GLOVES!! --
1 Small White Onion
3 Cloves of Garlic, finely chopped
1 teaspoon salt
1 Cup Vinegar (5%)
In a sauce pan cook 2 cups water, chopped Carolina Reapers (WEAR GLOVES!), chopped white onion, garlic, and 1 teaspoon salt on the stovetop. Bring to a boil and simmer 15-20 minutes until the veggies are soft. Allow to cool and then add 1 cup 5% white vinegar and purée in blender (be careful of fumes, and wear gloves to avoid getting any juices on your hands!) Add a little more salt and store in a disinfected pint jar or hot sauce jar (boil for 10 minutes).
Note: You can also Roast the Carolina Reapers and garlic and onions first, just slice in half and roast in the oven at 400˚ F for 15-20 minutes, getting the skins to char slightly. Then, you can chop or put them in a food processor and then add to boiling vinegar and salt.
This Carolina Reaper Hot Sauce can be used right away and continues to taste better up to 3 weeks in the refrigerator.
Grow Carolina Reaper Seeds and harvest your own super hot peppers for your next batch of hot sauce:

This hot sauce recipe is also great with the Yellow version of the Carolina Reaper! The new Yellow Carolina Reaper is a natural variant of the famous red Carolina Reaper. Learn more »