Hatch Chiles, Hot Peppers and Chileheads:

Chili Meme:
This picture just stopped a New Mexican from scrolling.
Green Chile works every time.
Garden Chile Meme:
You haven’t experienced true heart break until you've been thinking all day about leftover green chile enchiladas ... and then you come home to find out someone ate them. 😆
My Favorite Sport is Gardening!

If peppers are a fruit, then hot sauce is a smoothie.
Gardening Quote:
"That's too much green chile"
- Said no New Mexican ever

"The gardening season officially begins on January 1st, and ends on December 31." - Marie Huston

Don’t Give Up!
“There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments.”
~ Janet Kilburn Phillips

Life without Chile is no Life at All

Who needs Hot Sauce when you have Hot Hatch Chile?

Murphy's Law of Peeling Hatch Chile:
As soon as your hands are covered in chile juice, your nose will begin to itch, you will want to rub your eyes, and you will have to pee.

Obviously grew their own Hatch Chile."

Keep Calm: It's Hatch Chile Season

You know you’re a Serious Gardener when...
Your neighbors don’t recognize your face
because that’s usually not the end they see.


"Every Expert was Once a Beginner" Garden Meme

Gardener Meme:
Gardener Rule: One can never have too many seeds!

Gardening Meme:
One of the most delightful things about a
garden is the anticipation it provides - W.E. Johns

A garden is a friend you can visit any time.

Gardening Meme:
I don't always enjoy gardening... wait, yes I do!

"Gardeners plant at least 10,000 plants in the course of a lifetime without having the least idea where they'll put them all."
Yes, quite true.

Don't Forget to Drink Water and Get Sun.
You're Basically a Plant with Complicated Emotions.

We may think we are nurturing our garden,
but of course it’s our garden that is really nurturing us.
~ Jenny Uglow
Peppers are a wonderful addition to your garden and are packed with flavor and vitamins. Easy to grow from seeds!
Want to grow chili seeds?
Chili seeds are super easy to grow, you can grow them around the world! Check out our most popular peppers including our NuMex Heritage Big Jim Seeds, or our Aji Limo Lemon Drop Pepper seeds, Serrano Seeds, Poblano Seeds, Red Cherry Hot Seeds, Carolina Reaper Seeds (the hottest pepper in the world!), Tabasco Seeds, NuMex Trick or Treat Habanero seeds (no heat), White Bhut Jolokia seeds, Peach Bhut Jolokia seeds, Yellow Jalapeno seeds, and Yellow Carolina Reaper seeds to name just a few.