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Chilli Seeds

Welcome gardeners and farmers! Sandia Seed offers chilli seeds for sale from pepper varieties around the world – we specialized in New Mexican Hatch Chile seeds as well as other red and green chiles like the famous (and huge) Big Jim Chile, or the delicious Poblano Chile

Below are some of our green chile seeds we offer.

Chilli Seeds

We spell chile, with an 'e' at the end, but depending on where you live in the world, chile can be spelled as: chile, chili, or chilli. Whatever way you spell Chile is not important, just have fun growing and eating these delicious peppers!

Sandia Seed also offers a lot of hot chilli seeds such as Carolina Reaper Seeds (the hottest pepper in the world), or several varieties of Jalapeño seeds including Jalapeno Early Seeds (for the earliest pepper harvests), Jalapeno M Seeds (with larger fruit and more heat), or the Yellow Jalapeño Seeds (a brilliant yellow Lemon Spice Jalapeno), or the Orange Jalapeño Seeds (beautiful orange). 

Bulk Seeds - Chilli Seeds

Bulk Seeds

We also offer bulk seeds of some of our favorite chilli seeds including Bulk Carolina Reaper Seeds, Bulk Trinidad Scorpion Seeds, Bulk Scotch Bonnet Seeds, and Bulk Hatch Green Chile Seeds. Order Bulk Seeds early as many of our seed varieties sell out quickly in the early spring each year.

Chilli Plants Care

Chilli Plant Care

If you want to grow chilli seeds, here are a few of our top tips below. Or, read more in-depth chilli plant care information on our How To Grow Peppers page. 

• Keep Seeds Warm! 
Chilli seeds germinate best when kept between 80˚-90˚F.  We use a seedling heat mat, works wonders! Be patient, chilli seeds take 7-21+ days to germinate, the super hot peppers like the Carolina Reaper seem to take the longest.

• Once Sprouted, Pet Your Chilli Plants!
Well, you don't have to call it petting, but we do recommend brushing your seedlings daily with your hands to help them develop sturdier stems. Or, put a light fan on them for a few hours a day. Circulating the air whether by brushing them with your hands, talking to them, or using a fan will all decrease the chance of seedling rot (damping off) that kills many young seedlings. 

• Plant chilli plants outside only after it's warmed up to around 60˚ F at night. 
Peppers are sensitive and if planted earlier when it's 40-50˚ F at night, they will not start growing until it warms up so they stay stunted for awhile. We have found that Water Walls work great to keep seedlings warm earlier in the season, or you could also use hoop houses or coldframes to get them started sooner outdoors. Peppers like to have warm soil and hot days, so keeping them warm is important. 

• Don't overwater your chilli plants!
This is one of the most common things people do to their young pepper plants – overwatering is a chilli plant killer. They like to have their roots dry slightly between waterings, and they soil should be fast-draining and never soggy. Don't let pepper seedling pots sit in water. 

• Pinch off the first flowers on your chilli plants
We like to pinch off the first blooms on our chilli plants to encourage more growth and more peppers later. 

• Use Homemade Compost
Stir in homemade compost made from your grass clippings, fall leaves, tree and perennial trimmings, and even your kitchen scraps including eggshells. Homemade compost is better than buying it in bags (to cut down on bag use) but also because homemade compost is alive. Anyone who has a compost pile or bin knows that when they dig around in it there are a ton of worms and other creatures living in it. So by burying or spreading/mixing your homemade compost into your garden soil, you're "seeding" the soil with lots of beneficial organisms that will feed your chilli plants. Compost also helps your soil retain moisture, so you don't have to water as much. We like to bury some compost deep below each of our seedlings so they can grow roots down into it over the summer. Or, you can spread it around your plants, making sure not to touch their stems with the compost, which could burn the plant.
Learn more about composting »

Learn more of our favorite tips on our How To Grow Peppers page – it's PACKED with in-depth info on how to grow peppers with great success.

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