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Dragon's Breath Pepper Seeds

Dragons Breath Pepper Seeds - from

Dragon's Breath Pepper Seeds from

Dragon's Breath Peppers Are you looking for Dragon's breath pepper seeds?

You asked for the Dragon's Breath Pepper and now have Dragon's Breath seeds in stock! Order these seeds today while they last, as we have a limited supply of Dragon's Breath Pepper Seeds*.

2021 Update on Dragon's Breath Pepper Seeds:

We stopped offering Dragon's Breath Pepper seeds as they were not growing consistently so they are not a stable strain. We may offer them again in the future, so stay tuned. Sorry, we just don't want you to grow something that doesn't grow true or consistently! In the meantime, grow some of our reigning champs of hottest peppers such as the hottest Carolina Reaper (It's true, the Carolina Reaper continues to be the official Worlds Hottest Pepper in 2021 going into 2022, despite the ever-present contenders that challenge the Reaper!) Or,  check out the Yellow Carolina Reaper which isn't quite as hot but still burns wickedly but in yellow! We also think that the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion is as hot if not hotter than the Reaper, at least when we did taste tests! Officially tested at  2,009,231 Scoville Heat Units, this super hot pepper provides an INTENSE BURN!

This mythological demon pepper is rumored to be hotter than the hottest pepper in the world, the Carolina Reaper pepper. We had our doubts, but now we know, it is EXTREME heat. The seeds we will be offering this season are from official Dragon’s Breath peppers. They were dripping with capsaicin oil and difficult to work with when removing the seeds. We did it. 

Hottest Pepper 2018 & 2019 - Carolina Reaper SeedsLooking for new hot peppers to grow in your garden? Stay tuned as we post announcments for the latest seeds we add to our collection on Instagram, PinterestFacebook, our newsletter.

Did you know the Dragon's Breath Pepper is not yet “officially” the hottest pepper in the world? Yes, that's right, the Carolina Reaper is still the recognized world champion for being the world's hottest pepper. Time will tell if in 2020 and beyond they award the Dragon with the Guinness crown. Scroll down to read more about it... check out our videos below where we check out these famed Dragons – we are trying to grow these out and see if the strain is stable. We'll keep you posted here on updates!


September 2019 – Dragon's Breath Pepper Update:
We are excited to be growing our 3rd generation of seeds. The strain we received was not stable.  The very small pods grew next to medium and large pods on the same plant. We are selecting for a more stable strain that produces all small pods. Wow, these are fire hot! This is the only pepper that burns just by holding it in your hand. It's skin doesn't even have to be broken to burn. Nasty Dragon's Breath for sure! The reason these are not available yet in 2019 is that the strain seems far from stable. Stay tuned... 

June 14, 2019 – Dragon's Breath Pepper Update:
We finally have ripe Dragon's Breath Pepper pods! These little beasts are definitely super hot! We are doubtful if they will ever knock the Carolina Reaper off her throne, who is the current record-holder for being the world's hottest pepper. It could just be a knock off of the Reaper, Trinidad or other hot peppers. But these are fun to test and grow out, and we will continue to grow and save seeds to see if this strain is stable. If it is indeed stable, we will start offering Dragon seeds for sale. Stay tuned for more updates to come!

Dragons Breath Chilli Pepper Seeds

Dragon's Breath Pepper Seeds - pods grown from seeds
Dragon's Breath Pepper Seeds



Dragon's Breath Pepper Seeds

May 20, 2019 Dragon's Breath Pepper Seeds Update:
Latest update on our Dragon's Breath Pepper Seed Trials: 
Close to success! In the photo above we show one of our eight Dragons Breath Pepper plants that are at almost 24" tall up to 30". Four of the plants have peppers growing and a fifth plant is flowering. The other 3 are still just leaves. The "dragon" fruits are very small and we are waiting longer for a full mature red and good seeds. Stay tuned for more updates! These plants are the first ones to have pods in our several batches of Dragon's Breath Pepper seed trials. We acquired some Dragon's Breath Pepper pods last year and have been growing them out to see if the strain is stable. This last batch has been the most successful, and we hope to see if this is a legitimate strain that holds true before offering the seeds. We'll post more updates on our Dragon's Breath Pepper plants soon!

Dragon's Breath Pepper Seeds from Sandia SeedAbove: Photo of Dragon's Breath Pepper Plant and small Pod, 
May 20, 2019

Dragon's Breath Pepper Plant grown from Seeds

March 20, 2019 Update:
Photo Above: Spring Equinox! 🌞🌝 This Dragon’s Breath flower above is getting a little help this morning. Peppers are self-pollinating but we’re just making sure. We hope to see some pods soon to see if these peppers are really as hot as they say they are (and are not just a variation of other super hots). 

Dragon's Breath Pepper Plant grown from Seed - Look, blossoms!

March 15, 2019 Update:
Oh that’s beautiful! Dragon’s Breath flower buds are appearing on our plants! See photo above. Finally! We hope to see some pods forming soon. Stay tuned...

Dragon's Breath Pepper Seeds Trials Update - February 2019

Dragon's Breath Pepper Seeds - from
Dragon's Breath Seeds – February 25, 2019 Update:

These pepper plants above are the most recent batch of seven magnificent Dragon’s Breath plants that we grew from seed. They have just been transplanted to larger pots and are showing signs of vigor and branching. We hope to see some blooms very soon and pods to follow for tasting and further testing of the seeds for stability. We are having better success with this batch of seeds we planted from one of the Dragon's Breath Pepper pods we acquired. The previous batch of seedlings all started to get some weird spotting on their leaves, leading us to believe they have some sort of fungal disease as we are not seeing any pests. But this new batch seems to be doing quite well! We have been doing seed trials on several different batches of seeds, each collected from one pod so that we can test the stability of the strain. Each pod batch of seedlings have been inconsistently growing, and not one has yet produced a bloom, so we're very wary that these pods are not even a stable strain of any pepper! Time will tell as we continue our trials, we hope that we'll be able to share more better news soon!

Dragon's Breath Seeds – November 19, 2018 Update:
These pepper seedlings in the video below are seedlings we are growing from Dragon's Breath seeds from a pod we acquired. All seedlings here were seeds from the same Dragon's Breath pod, and they were all planted at the same time. There is quite a difference between the seedlings, the leaves are different and some seedlings are struggling. This makes us concerned the strain isn't stable. Stay tuned for more updates as we grow these out. 

Dragon's Breath Chile Seeds October 2, 2018 update:
The next batch of the Dragon's Breath Pepper seeds we planted have sprouted. We soaked the seeds in water for 2 days and planted 200 more seeds. So far there are 10 sprouts that are about 1/2" tall. We also have 2 older Dragon's breath plants and they look terrible. We transplanted them into good potting soil and are babying them. We'll see what happens! Stay tuned for photos and more updates.

dragon's breath chili seeds
August 19, 2018 Update:
We're waiting for blooms Mr. Dragon's Breath chile plants! 
The more robust Dragon's Breath Chile plant in the foreground is the one from the garden. We dug it up and potted it as we were concerned something like a tomato horn worm, grasshopper, rabbit or gopher might damage it! So we have three of these Dragon's Breath potted plants growing... very slowly. We hope to see blossoms very soon so we can get some pods before the summer ends! Stay tuned... 

Dragon's Breath Seeds - Plant we're growing to see if we can harvest pods and seeds from it!

Dragon's Breath Pepper Seeds July 17, 2018 Update:

Here is our "Dragons Breath’ plant that we are growing from some supposed Dragon's Breath pepper pods we acquired. We had about 12 sprouts out of 72. Then, we were successful at growing 6 of the plants in the garden. Then... someone weeded for us... DARN IT! So only one remains. It is very stunted. Let's hope for the best!

To be honest, we're not 100% sure if Dragon's Breath Peppers exist, or if they're actually as hot as they say they are... kind of like the mysterious Pepper X... There hasn't been any new info out there about these peppers. But, we'll keep you updated as we continue to grow this plant out, if it produces pods, and if they're wicked hot! We'll also let you know if we get more information on the Dragon pepper or seeds from our super hot pepper sources!

Stay tuned... For now, the Carolina Reaper is still the QUEEN pepper of all the super hots, and she still holds the Guinness World Record of being the hottest chile pepper in the world. Time will tell if Dragon's Breath is able to beat the record. We have our doubts, do you?! 

Hottest pepper in the World - Carolina Reaper - Dragon's Breath Pepper SeedsThe Dragon's Breath Pepper's claim to be the hottest pepper in the world has not yet been deemed the winner by Guinness Records, so time will tell if this new super hot little pepper will get the crown! 

* The Carolina Reaper is still the Hottest Pepper in the World:
Yes, the  Carolina Reaper is still wears the crown for being the world's hottest pepper with a record of 2,200,000 Scoville Heat Units. 

We'll see if the Dragon ever dethrones the Reaper (or any other pepper for that matter), but so far, the Reaper's Guinness Record still stands.

So for now, growing the Carolina Reaper is sufficient, we're positive that you'll find it is hot that your face will go numb and you might cry like a little girl. 

But... Can Eating a Carolina Reaper Kill You?

Did you know that the Dragon's Breath Chile was created by accident? 

Dragons Breath Chile SeedsIt's true, the Dragon's Breath Chile was cultivated by Mike Smith of St. Asaph, Denbigshire in the UK, who was actually trying to grow a beautiful pepper plant for an upcoming Chelsea Flower Show! While it didn't win any prizes, it may win an even greater prize – a Guinness Record for it's surprising heat. At a claimed 2.48 million Scoville units, this tiny little pepper may be the hottest pepper of all. But it hasn't yet! We have our doubts.

Stay tuned...Sandia Seed will definitely be offering this little beast IF it proves itself and becomes available!

Looking for super hot pepper seedsCheck out our collection of the hottest peppers in the world: 

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