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Ghost Pepper Salt Recipe

Ghost Pepper Salt Recipe
Ghost Pepper Salt Recipe

This wonderful ghost pepper salt recipe is sure to please any spice-lover! Great to have in your spice cabinet for adding flavor to any dish. 


  • Sea Salt (or any salt will do)
  • Dried Ghost Peppers, crushed (be sure to grow all six of our Ghost Pepper seeds! Or, you can use ANY hot peppers or super hot peppers in this recipe)
  • Optional Dried Spices: Add any dried spices desired such as black pepper, cumin, turmeric, curry, garlic, onion or other spices to taste


Use a food processor, blender, spice grinder to pulse the salt and dried peppers and spices until mixed. Ghost Pepper Salt makes great gifts, put into small jars and wrap with a ribbon and label to give away! 

Ghost Peppers
are from India, and are some of the hottest peppers in the world. They have amazing flavor and come in six different colors and flavors! We have a White Ghost Pepper seeds that are great for making a very light colored Ghost Pepper Salt, but the classic Red Ghost Pepper and other colors are great, too!

Ghost Pepper Salt is great for adding flavor and heat to any dish. Sprinkle it over soups, stews, roasted vegetables or add to dips or marinades. It won't last long, so make sure to make a big batch!

Ghost Pepper Salt Recipe Variations:
Try mixing different blends of Ghost Pepper Salt, such as a Curry blend with Turmeric and Curry spices added, or a garlic blend with garlic powder. You could even add a little sugar for a slightly sweet and savory salt blend. 

You don't have to stop with Ghost Peppers, you can also add other hot peppers or other super hot peppers to the mix, or you can even make a Hatch Chile blend. The sky is the limit with spicy salt blends! 



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