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Homemade Chili Powder Recipe

Homemade Chili Powder Recipe


Homemade Chili Powder Recipe:

½ C Cumin
½ C Clove
½ C Cayenne
1½ C Paprika
1½ C Dried Pasilla
1½ C Dark Chile Powder
1½ C Light Chile Powder
¼ C Oregano
¼ C Garlic Powder
1 Handful Dried Chile de Arbol
1 Handful Dried Guajillo


  1. Bring a medium sauce pan up to heat and quick roast your non-powder chiles until fragrant, this brings out the flavors and will enhance the flavor of your Chile powder. Remove from pan and let cool.
  2. Once cool, grind Chiles in blender and transfer to a smaller coffee/ spice grinder for a finer Chile powder if necessary.

Quick Tip: Dark and Light Chile powder can be subbed out for one another depending on your taste. Dark and light Chile powder has the same ingredients, but different roasting times. Making the dark a bit stronger and more earthy with its longer cook time.

Homemade Chili Oil Recipe

Turning your Chile powder into Chile Oil:

Quick tip: Garlic powder can be subbed out for 15-20 fresh cloves of garlic. Also, whole chiles can remain whole for this recipe.

Chile Oil:

8 C 75/25 oil
½ C Cumin
½ C Clove
½ C Cayenne
1½ C Paprika
1½ C Dried Pasilla
1½ C Dark Chile Powder
1½ C Light Chile Powder
¼ C Oregano
¼ C Garlic Powder or 15-20 Cloves
1 Handful Dried Chile de Arbol
1 Handful Dried Guajillo
  1. In a saucepan bring oil up to 175 degrees.
  2. Add In your whole chiles and fresh garlic cloves and let cook until garlic is soft.
  3. If using already ground Chile powder skip step 2. Then turn off heat and add in your ground powders, the oil will bubble up once you add in the powder so make sure your pan has at least 4” of space from the top to avoid bubbling over.
  4. Once the powders have been added let sit for 2 hours then strain through cheesecloth.
  5. Once oil is strained it is ready for use.

Quick Tip: For most yield let the oil strain over night

Quick Tip: You can blend and use the strained-out powder mixture for marinating, rehydrate with ½ cup oil and use on seafoods and meats.

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