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Mild Green Chile Seeds

Mild Green Chile Seeds
We sell eight different mild green chile varieties to grow in your garden. The first 3 choices Anaheim, Hatch Green Mild NM 6-4, and NuMex Heritage 6-4 are truly the mildest of all green chiles. We suggest trying some of the other great varieties that are listed here. They are delicious and can be mild or move slightly up to the medium heat level.

These chiles are great for "taming" down the spiciness of hotter chiles while adding tons of flavor. 
All our green chile varieties are Open-pollinated and Non-GMO. 

Anaheim – Heirloom from 1913
Hatch Green Mild NM 6-4 – The most popular mild chile
NuMex Heritage 6-4 – Improved authentic New Mexican flavor
Hatch Red Medium Joe E Parker –  Thick flesh and big harvest
Big Jim Legacy –  Flavorful, meaty and really big
Hatch Green Medium Big Jim – Authentic green chile flavor and big meaty pods
NuMex Espanola Improved – Great for short growing seasons and cool climates

Mild Green Chile Seeds
Anaheim Seeds 

This heirloom pepper was developed Dr. Fabian Garcia in New Mexico over 100 years ago in 1913.  He was seeking a chile pepper that was bigger, fleshier, and milder. His chile-breeding work developed the Anaheim aka New Mexico No. 9. This chile has become the granddaddy of all future New Mexico pod types. It became known as Anaheim because farmer Emilio Ortega took the New Mexico No. 9 seeds to California and began growing them in the Anaheim area in the early 1920’s. The smooth pods are 7-1/2" long and 2" wide on productive 30" plants with good foliage cover for the fruit. TMV resistant. Capsicum annuum (80 days)
Heat Level: Mild Scoville 500 -1,000  
Heirloom Chile
Packet contains 30 seeds $2.49

Mild Green Chile SeedsHatch Green Mild NM 6-4 Seeds

The most popular green chile to grow because of its traditional flavor and mild heat. The Hatch Green Mild NM 6-4 has always been the standard for open-pollinated mild green chile. A large amount of Hatch Green Mild can be added to recipes for delicious traditional flavor and aroma with out the additional heat. Pods are 6" long with thick fleshy walls and grow on 30” plants. It matures early and grows well in short seasons. Capsicum annuum (70 days)
Heat Level: Mild Scoville: 1,000
Heirloom Chile
Packet contains 30 seeds $2.49

Mild Green Chile Seeds - NuMex Heritage 6-4 -NuMex Heritage 6-4 Seeds

An improved New Mexico green chile with mild heat and great flavor. The original New Mexico 6-4 seed from a 1957 seed bank was reworked with selective breeding techniques to obtain this chile’s best traits. The new NuMex Heritage 6-4 variety was released in 2012, and now captures more traditional green chile flavor and aroma. Yields are higher and the heat is more uniform throughout the height of the plant. Pods are 6" long with thick fleshy walls and grow on productive 30" plants. Capsicum annuum (70 days)
Heat Level: Mild Scoville 1,000 
Packet contains 30 seeds $2.49

Mild Chile Seeds - Red Hatch ChileHatch Red Medium Joe E. Parker Seeds

A big chile with distinctive New Mexico flavor. This Hatch Red Medium Joe E. Parker variety has thick flesh with heat that can range from mild to medium and is perfect for roasting. The major features of this cultivar are its large green chile yield, and then an even larger red chile yield after that first green harvest. A thicker fruit wall produces a better yield of green chile after peeling than thin-walled fruit. Chiles are 8" long on productive 30" plants. It turns quickly from green to red  Capsicum annuum (80 days)
Heat Level: Mild to Medium Scoville 1,000-3,000 
Heirloom Chile
Packet contains 30 seeds $2.49


Mild Chile Seeds - Big Jim

Big Jim Legacy Seeds

This pepper is an all- around winner when it comes to green chile. It has incredible New Mexican chile flavor, thick flesh and mild to medium heat. When full size and green in color, this New Mexico chile is perfect for big stuffed rellenos. It smells delicious when being roasted and the pods peel easily. These green chiles have the perfect amount of heat and flavor. If the Big Jim Legacy is left on the plant to mature to red, it can be used to make a mild red enchilada sauce. Produces heavy yields of large 8”-10" pods with thick flesh that grow on sturdy 36” tall plants. Capsicum annuum (78 days)
Heat Level: Mild to Medium Scoville 2,000 - 4,000 
Heirloom Chile
Packet contains 30 seeds $2.49

Mild Chili SeedsHatch Green Medium Big Jim Seeds

The most famous New Mexico green chile. It is everyone’s favorite because of its great authentic green chile flavor, big meaty pods and medium heat. The word Hatch is a term describing several different green chile varieties ranging from mild to extra hot that are grown in the Hatch Valley of southwest New Mexico for over a century. This Hatch Green Medium Big Jim, roasts and peels nicely and can be eaten every day in all your New Mexico inspired breakfasts, lunches and dinners. Chiles are 7" long on productive 30" plants. Easy to grow and should be started indoors, then planted outside for an early harvest. Capsicum annuum (75 days)
Heat Level: Mild to Medium Scoville 2000 – 4000 
Heirloom Chile
Packet contains 30 seeds $2.49


Mild Chii Seeds - NuMex Espanola Improved Seeds NuMex Espanola Improved Seeds 

This chile is a fast growing and an early maturing chile adapted to northern New Mexico's high altitude and cool seasons. In 1984 Espanola Improved was developed at NMSU by Drs. Matta and Nakayama. It is a cross between Sandia and the northern New Mexico landrace chile Espanola, making it ideal for high altitude and cool seasons. The NuMex Espanola Improved variety makes excellent deep- flavored red chile powder. Chiles are 7" long with smooth thin walled skin and grow on productive 30" plants. Ideal for short growing seasons and cooler climates. Capsicum annuum (75 days)
Heat Level: Mild to Medium Scoville 2,000 – 4,000
Heirloom Chile
Packet contains 10 seeds $2.49


NuMex Big Jim Seeds

This is one of the older releases from NMSU in 1975. It is a favorite of home gardeners and chefs for making chile rellenos, a stuffed chile pod. The light to medium green fruit grows to almost 8” long and 2” wide and moderately flattened. The round-shouldered fruit tapers to a hook at the apex. Plant height is 16”-26” tall. Capsicum annuum (75 days)
Heat Level: Mild to Medium Scoville 2,500 - 4,000
Heirloom Chile
Packet contains 30 seeds. $2.49


So if you like milder chile, make sure to grow any of these mild chile seeds for great flavor minus all the heat!

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