Pueblo Chile Peppers from Colorado:
Meet our latest two latest additions to our peppers of the world seed collection: The Pueblo Mosco Chile (shown above) and the Pueblo Giadone Chile.
We're so excited about these delicious chiles from Colorado! Both of these chiles have different flavor from the New Mexican Hatch chile varieties, and they have more heat and tend to have thicker walls, making them very easy to roast. We love growing them alongside our Hatch patch so we can enjoy all the amazing flavors that all of these chiles all have to offer.
Pueblo Chile History: A single pepper plant with more heat was selected from a crop of peppers grown from the bag of Pueblo mirasol seeds given to Dr. Michael Bartolo from his father. The seeds were from his late uncle, Harry Mosco, an Italian farmer that had farmed the east Pueblo area for decades.
The Mosco Chile was named after Michael Bartolo's Uncle Harry, and it has become the predominant chile raised in Pueblo and the Arkansas Valley in Colorado for the past 15 years. Coloradans love the thick flesh and intense flavor of these red chiles.
The Giadone Chile is named after Pueblo farmer Pete Giadone, one of the founders of the Pueblo Chile & Frijoles Festival having built the first chile roaster for the festival. The Giadone chile is similar with thick walls like the Mosco, but it is much hotter for those who like it spicy!
Read more about the story of Mosco chile and the Giadone chile here: coloradocountrylife.coop/the-heart-of-pueblo-chile
Shown above is the Colorado-borne Giadone chile. These are also one of the most delicious peppers you can find north of the NM state line. These Colorado chiles are a type of Mirasol chile, and they are from Pueblo, Colorado. Their tasty meaty flesh has a wonderful sweet flavor and plenty of heat with a Scoville rating from 10,000 - 12,000 SHU. The Pueblo ‘Giadone’ has a different flavor from the Hatch chile. It tends to have thicker walls, which make it very easy to roast, and more heat.
Both the Pueblo Mosco Chile and the Pueblo Giadone Chile. are great additions to your Colorado garden (or anywhere you grow). We recommend growing Hatch Chile varieties as well as these two Colorado Pueblo Chiles so you can enjoy all the amazing flavors they all offer. They are all delicious in different ways.
Happy growing!