1 medium onion chopped (about 1 cup)
5-6+ cloves garlic chopped
¼ cup vinegar of choice
1 teaspoon lemon juice or lime juice
Salt to taste
Grill or broil jalapenos, to blister the skin (you can also use other hot peppers such as hot Hatch chile). You can also roast or broil fresh tomatoes, garlic and carrots (though don't char them as much as the peppers). Cool the peppers off in a glass dish with glass lid. Then peel the skin off the peppers and deseed if desired then combine with the roasted tomatoes/tomato sauce, carrots, onion, garlic, vinegar and lemon/lime juice in a food processor and blend until a nice smooth consistency. Add more vinegar or water to thin out sauce if desired.
Pour hot sauce into a clean disinfected glass jar or bottle and store in the fridge. It won't last long!

This is a delicious hot sauce, but we have lots more
Hot Sauce Recipes you can try, it's fun to make lots of different hot sauces to vary it up with each meal.