We have a new lineup of our favorite easiest-to-grow vegetable seeds to complement our chile pepper and tomato seed collections. One of the top growers are our Easy-to-Grow Pea Seeds.
Peas love cool weather. In fact, they thrive in it, so allow them to have shade for half of the day during the hotter months or grow them in the fall or spring. Keep their shallow roots cool with a few inches of mulch.
We plant peas in our cold frame and hoop house now for winter growing, eating and soil improvement. Peas fix nitrogen in the soil, making it more available for other plants - so they're great to rotate into your garden plots, they make great companion plants, too.
They taste just like peas! The shoot is the tender tip of the pea vine which includes the leaves, stem, blossom and tendrils. So you don't have to wait for the pods to enjoy these in your salads.

There are many other great fall crops to add to your garden to extend your harvests, including the organic fall crops below.
Find more Easy-to-Grow Organic Vegetable Seeds »