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White Peppers Seeds

White Peppers Seeds

Looking for White Peppers seeds? We carry some wonderful varieties of white pepper seeds, including the following following white peppers: 

Bhut Jolokia White Pepper Seeds
These super hot white peppers have a cool color and are very unique. This pepper, like all Bhut jolokia peppers, has heat that builds and builds in your mouth. The White Bhut jolokia is also known as White Ghost Pepper and it is very popular for making a white hot sauce. At 1,000,000 Scoville units, these white peppers are HOT!! 

Trinidad 7 Pot White Pepper Seeds
These white peppers have a bright white color with smooth skin. Fruit is 2-1/2” long and 1” wide and matures from light green to white. Plant grows to 3’ tall and are extremely productive. These are totally hot with 900,000 Scoville Heat Units!

White Ghost Pepper Seeds
These peppers have a bright white color with smooth skin. Fruit is 2-1/2” long and 1” wide and matures from light green to white. The flavor is sweeter and more citrus-like than the red variety. Plant grows to 3’ tall and are extremely productive.

White Habanero Seeds
This White Habanero is called the Peruvian White Lightning Habanero, which is a very rare habanero with creamy white lantern shaped pods. This pepper grows quickly and produces fruit in great numbers. One plant can produce hundreds of tiny fruits. Also great for making white hot sauce! 

    So if you are looking to make white hot sauce, or just want to grow some hot peppers that are different and unique, grow some of our white pepper seeds! 

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