
...And to my family I leave you these 52,588 garden photos of my phone. 😂

I am grateful for you because
you don't roll your your eyes
when I talk about gardening.

If your pepper seedlings' leaves are turning yellow, it could be overwatering... amongst other things. Don't fret and follow our advice, don't overwater, underwater or underfeed or overfeed your pepper plants. Make sure they get the right amount of light and keep them warm!

I was going to do some housecleaning today, but then a bumblebee buzzed, a bird sang, and a flower bloomed. So instead, I gardened.

Some people have a gene that makes cilantro taste like soap, and also makes them super whiny about it. 😂

Learn to go with the flow in gardening, you'll be a lot happier!
Weather, insects, diseases are always going to present problems in your garden, so plant a wide variety of veggies for the best success. Every year will be different, and it's important to remember you can't control everything! :)

Funny Gardening Image:
“Sorry I have plants this weekend”

"The gardening season officially begins on January 1st, and ends on December 31." - Marie Huston

Funny Gardening Meme:
When a gardener says "I grew these from seed"
understand they just low-key flexed on you.

There is no WiFi in your Garden...
but the connections are better!

Gardening is my favorite therapy!

Don’t Give Up!
“There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments.”
~ Janet Kilburn Phillips

“Never Underestimate the Healing Power
of a Quiet Moment in the Garden”

Funny Gardening Image:
Gardening is medicine that does not need a
Prescription and has no limit on dosage!

"There are no happier folks that plant lovers, and none more generous than those who garden." ~ Ernest Wilson

“One of the best things about Gardening: The more gardeners, the merrier!”

Gardening is cheaper than therapy, plus you get tomatoes, zucchini, chiles and more....

Life without Chile is no Life at All

“I was just sitting here enjoying the company.
Plants got a lot to say, if you take the time to listen.”
- Eeyore

Who needs Hot Sauce when you have Hot Hatch Chile?

Murphy's Law of Peeling Hatch Chile:
As soon as your hands are covered in chile juice, your nose will begin to itch, you will want to rub your eyes, and you will have to pee.

Obviously grew their own Hatch Chile."

Keep Calm: It's Hatch Chile Season

You know you’re a Serious Gardener when...
Your neighbors don’t recognize your face
because that’s usually not the end they see.


"Every Expert was Once a Beginner" Garden Meme

Your Garden is never big enough except MAYBE during Harvest Season! ;)

Gardener Meme:
Gardener Rule: One can never have too many seeds!

Gardening Meme:
One of the most delightful things about a
garden is the anticipation it provides - W.E. Johns

A garden is a friend you can visit any time.

Gardening Meme:
I don't always enjoy gardening... wait, yes I do!

"Gardeners plant at least 10,000 plants in the course of a lifetime without having the least idea where they'll put them all."
Yes, quite true.

“Gardeners' Manicure”

Don't Forget to Drink Water and Get Sun.
You're Basically a Plant with Complicated Emotions.

We may think we are nurturing our garden,
but of course it’s our garden that is really nurturing us.
~ Jenny Uglow

“The Gifts of Nature are worth their weight in Gold”

“If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.”

Gardening Quote:
I am a Gardener. What's your Superpower?
Gardening Quote:
I Grow Peppers from Seed. What's your Superpower?
Find more Garden Quotes »
Happy growing!