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How deep should a container be for Peppers?

How deep should a container be for Peppers? A whiskey barrel is ideal!

Peppers have fairly large root systems, so the deeper the container, the better for healthy plants, and larger harvests. We recommend at least 14" deep, with an ideal depth of 18-24" (think whiskey barrel size.)

For the best harvests and healthy plants, we like to plant pepper plants in deep beds, we recommend 18-24" of soil depth. Small peppers (less than one foot high) can grow well in two-gallon containers, but bigger plants need at least five-gallon pots, and all peppers thrive best with more room. 
Best Peppers for Containers

Small Containers for Peppers:

One issue with smaller containers and pots for peppers is that they dry out more quickly, so you often have to water more often, even daily. Larger containers allow you to water less, as they retain more moisture than small pots, and allow the roots to grow deeper for healthier, more resilient plants.

Overwatering Peppers in Containers:

Keep in mind that you should never OVERWATER your peppers plants in containers, as they don't like soggy feet. They will turn yellow and start to wilt if overwatered, and this is a common symptom of over-loved pepper plants! It is good to let the soil dry out slightly between waterings to make sure the pepper pots aren't waterlogged. Keep in mind, having larger, deeper pots allow you to water less, as they can store moisture longer.

How deep should a container be for Peppers? Ideal Container size for Peppers is at least 18 inches deep
This pot above is a bit on the small side in width, but it is fairly deep at around 17". The Goat Horn pepper plant did well, but she wasn't as robust as the grown in-ground plants. We'll keep planting pretty peppers in this pot as they always shine in the garden each year, and make great ornamental pepper plants.

Best Soil for Pepper Pots

Deep Pots + Well-Draining Potting Soil:

Make sure to use well-draining potting soil in your containers and pots, so that water drains quickly through the soil. Don't drown your peppers with poorly-draining soil – that is why potting soil is important to use when growing peppers in containers. When you're at the store, look for "potting soil" vs. garden soil or topsoil, which is created to have good drainage.

Hugelkultur Containers:

We think this is a cool idea for filling larger pots or troughs, of course, they may not be good for peppers until the second or third year so that the soil can build from the composted materials at the bottom:

Hugelculture Pot

In the terms of the Hugel in a large pot, you can start the bottom layer either with composted or semi-composted wood chips (skip them and use soil if you have Slug / Snail problems), place a decent layer of soil (especially soil you wish to amend) on top of the latter with the Branch, Sticks, Twigs and cardboard / leaves as the carbon layer.

The general rule in terms of what can be grown on the Hugel Mound in year 1, are shallow rooted crops / plants such as various lettuces. Thereafter you can grow plants that require more nutrients and moisture and then finally on year 3  you can pretty much grow anything from Tomatoes to Pumpkins.

Sourced From:


 Best Container Size for Peppers

This NuMex Twilight plant above did great in the blue pot - These are beautiful, eye-catching pepper plants that produce a rainbow of fruits that ripen from yellow, orange, then red. We let these dry out and then crushed to make hot pepper flakes. Yum!

Happy growing!
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