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Santa Fe Grande Pepper Plant

Santa Fe Pepper Seeds

Santa Fe Grande Pepper is one of our most popular selling seeds. It has all three colors of maturity: yellow, orange, and red, which can all be on the plant at the same time. The Santa Fe Grande Pepper plant is usually loaded down with peppers of all colors ranging from pale yellow to red. It really is a gorgeous plant. There are also lots of Santa Fe Grande Pepper recipes, which take advantage of the slightly sweet medium heat flavor of the Santa Fe. Some of the Santa Fe Pepper recipes include grilled peppers, pickled peppers, or one of our favorites: salsa!

Santa Fe Pepper Plant - Grow from Seed!
The 30" tall Santa Fe Pepper plants bear wax-type heirloom peppers continuously all summer long! The bright 3"long peppers mature from bright green to yellow, then to a beautiful eye-stopping glossy red.They have thick flesh with medium heat, with a Scoville rating of 3000-5000 (compare that to a Jalapeño Mucho Nacho pepper, which is 4,500-8,000 Scovilles). They are great for cutting in half, filling with cream cheese, and grilling to heat. Or, you can chop them into any salsa as you would a Jalapeño.
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