Corn - Golden Bantam Seeds - ON SALE
Corn - Golden Bantam Seeds - ON SALE
Golden Bantam Corn is a delicious yellow variety with an authentic turn-of-the-century corn flavor. Go back in time and enjoy corn that was grown for flavor before the many scientific modifications occurred for corn. This corn is open-pollinated and you can save the kernels/seeds and plant them every season. Golden Bantam produces a smaller plant with smaller ears. This heirloom variety is suited for early planting and thrives in cold soils. It's ready to harvest after 80 days with ears 5" long growing on plants that are 5' tall. Easy to grow and a great choice for new gardeners,
Corn seeds can be planted directly into the garden soil.
Sow seed directly into the warm garden soil in late spring to early summer.
Plant seeds 1” deep and 10" apart in rows that are 30" wide. They should come up in 7-10 days depending on the soil temperature and grow quickly in warm weather.
Corn is wind-pollinated so plant them together in a block of at least 4 rows. These plants are heavy feeders on available soil nutrients. If organic compost or manure wasn't worked into the soil last fall. they will need additional compost added during the growing season.
Each packet contains 60 Corn -Golden Bantam Seeds. Zea mays. Annual. Open-pollinated, heirloom, Non-GMO. Begin harvesting in 80 days. $3.00
This packet plants 5 rows 15' long for a total of 60 plants.
This product is part of the Get Real Grow Food collection. Click here for more choices.
Sweet Corn is Delicious
Ears of corn are edible and delicious when grilled or prepared in many other ways while still on the cob. When the kernels are removed from the cob they can be made into salsa, soup, fritters, succotash, and cornbread. Corn can be made into flour, cornmeal, corn syrup, and corn oil, ethanol, and whiskey.
Corn plants are tall and sturdy and will provide shade for other vegetables in the garden. They create a great opportunity to plant and grow lettuce and spinach and other plants that will bolt in the full heat of the sun. Planting corn can also provide a living trellis for other crops in the garden like peas. Don't plant corn next to tomatoes.
I couldn't believe how many native bees and honey bees were all over these when blooming, they loved them! Got several good juicy ears of corn off of them, I picked some of them too late I think as they were starting to get a bit dry, but this was my first time growing them so I'm excited to and try again this season and pick them all earlier this time, when perfectly ripe!
This is the first year I have purchased the Peaches and Cream Corn. Just finished my first harvest in NC. Absolutely delicious. Easy growing. I plan to shop from your company again....Please get these back in stock.
Hi there,
I'm a 1st time customer and very happy to have found your site. I'm really happy about your total commitment to non GMO seeds. Placed my order and waiting for it to arrive, and I would have ordered more but your limited choices of corn seed prevented me from doing so. I can only hope your selection improves before it's time to plant our crop here in N.C. I would like to suggest a variety of Silver Queen as it is a very popular type of Corn in our area.
Thanks for your time, Mike
We'll see if we can get some more corn varieties down the road! Thanks for growing our seeds and your feedback.
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