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Sandia Seed Company

Pea - Snap - Sugar Snap Seeds - ON SALE

Pea - Snap - Sugar Snap Seeds - ON SALE

Regular price $ 1.50 USD
Regular price $ 3.00 USD Sale price $ 1.50 USD
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Sugar Snap Peas have tender-crisp outer pods with very sweet flavorful peas inside. They are a cross between snow peas and garden peas and are meant to be eaten pod and all.  Peas can be grown in frost-hardy and cold climates and are rich in protein content. Eating the crisp snap peas straight from the garden is one of the great joys of vegetable gardening. 

Sugar Snap Pea seeds can be planted directly into the garden.

Sow seed directly into the garden soil in spring after the last frost date. They can also be planted again in late summer for a fall harvest. 

Plant seeds 1” deep and 8” apart. Soak the seed overnight to enhance germination. They should come up in 5-10 days depending on the soil temperature and grow quickly in cool weather.  

Sugar snap pea is a vining plant and will easily grow up trellises. When you provide support for the 5' vines it will save space and make for easier harvesting. 

Peas love cool weather. In fact, they thrive in it, so allow them to have shade for half of the day. Keep their shallow roots cool with a few inches of mulch. 

Mulch helps to keep the soil temperatures regulated, and conserves moisture as well. Snap peas have delicate root systems that don’t reach very deep beneath the surface of the soil, so be careful when weeding around your plants. 

It's important to regularly pick the young pods because as long as the plant is not overloaded, it will continue to produce blooms that will develop into more pea pods. 

Each packet contains 25 Sugar Snap Pea seeds. Pisum sativum. Annual. Open-pollinated, heirloom, Non-GMO. Begin harvesting in 65 days. $3.00

This packet plants a 12' row with 25 plants. 

This item is part of the Get Real Grow Food collection. Click here for more choices.

Sugar snap pea leaves and shoots are edible. 

The leaves and mature shoots are edible and can add crunch and a hint of pea flavor to sandwiches and when mixed with other salad greens. Young pea shoots are popular as edible sprouts.


Snap pea pods add a unique flavor, texture, and visual appeal to many dishes. Keep in mind, snap peas require “stringing” – the removal of a thread-like membrane that runs the length of the pod. Simply snap or cut the tip to start and pull off the string from there. This variety is very productive and easy to grow.

Growing peas improves the soil they are grown in. Peas are a member of the legume family and have a mutually beneficial relationship with a soil bacteria that give its roots the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen into a plant useable form. This is not only great for your snap peas but if you leave the roots to break down in your garden the nitrogen will release into the soil for your other crops to use.


Their nutritional content is almost endless. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, fiber, iron, protein, antioxidant flavonoids, folic acid, and more. Eating peas can improve digestion, regulate blood sugar, increase energy, increase bone strength, prevent memory loss, and so much more.

More Information about planting, growing, and harvesting peas can be found in the Farmer's Almanac Growing Guide.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Randy R.
Nitrogen building roots

After these were finished producing at the beginning of the hot summer months (they had great tasting pods, by the way!) - I pulled out a plant and saw a ton of the nitrogen nodules on the roots, I buried the roots back in the garden and transplanted my tomatoes in the same spot and the tomatoes did great. I am now a believer that peas and beans are a great companion/roatation plant for nitrogen feeders like tomatoes!

Good for soil building and snacking

I grew these in the early spring they really took off and produced a good amount of pods to snack on. I'd like to grow more this season to help build our soil, it's great that they add nitrogen to the soil. I've heard letting the peas die back and leaving the plants as mulch can also help build the soil, so I don't pull them out after their done when the hot weather arrives. I do chop them up with some pruners and scatter them back onto the soil to make it look less messy and compost faster.

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