This is a start-to-finish review, beginning indoors in late 2020 & ending in the garden in September 2021. First, all 10 seeds in the packet germinated and grew from seedling to mature plant. Three went in-ground & the rest in 5 gallon buckets. The in-ground plants hit nearly 4 feet, while the bucket peppers grew to 3 feet. ALL plants were literally covered in peppers, which started green then ripened from pale yellow to white. Amazing. While not as hot as the red ghost, these whites are still painfully hot, more so than habaneros. These peppers produced so heavily that I’ve had to give away a couple hundred to chilihead friends, plus I’ve got a big stock of dried whites to last well into next year. The whites work well in salsas, sauces, in dry rubs, sliced on eggs or in omelettes. They can be eaten raw, if one can handle the exquisite, intense burn.
All this for just 4 bucks! Thanks, Sandia Seed! This year was bumper for my super-hot garden (reapers, red ghost, chocolate bhutlah, trinidad scorpion, komodo, dragon’s breath, red savina) but the most prolific performer were these beautiful whites. Highly recommended! Bravo!